Monday, July 29, 2024

Blinded by Tradition: The Politics Of Medicine vs. Optometry

By Margaret K. Dore, Esq., MBA



As a child, I had double vision when I looked at an object close to my face, for example, a pencil or a finger. I now understand that this was due to “convergence insufficiency.” My eyes had an inability to converge (come together) at near. With convergence insufficiency, a person’s ability to read can be compromised. But I had a milder version and was a good reader.

As a college student, I noticed a change. To study took more effort and had I thought about it, I no longer read much for pleasure. I now understand that college reading demands were overloading my compromised visual system. My ability to read and comprehend was gradually decreasing. In short, it was becoming harder for me to learn.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Margaret Dore: A Cautionary Tale, EIN Presswire Obstructed My Press Release

I am a lawyer licensed to practice in Washington State, now living in Montana. I have used EIN Presswire for years, but not on a large scale.

My most recent published release was on February 15, 2022.

In late June 2024, my web designer informed me that my remaining EIN press releases were due to expire in two weeks.

We also learned that the Delaware legislature had approved a bill legalizing assisted suicide and euthanasia. The governor, John Carney, was to the best of our knowledge undecided. We decided to use one of the press releases, to encourage him to reject the bill.